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  • Alexis Alvarez

4 Ways to Use Your Dress After the Wedding

You wore the perfect dress for a perfect day & now you're not sure what to do with it. Here are a few ideas of what to do with the perfect dress after you go from bride to newlywed.

Save it. Traditionally speaking, wedding gowns were heirlooms that were preserved & saved for the next generation of brides. Let's bring back that tradition by saving our gowns for our daughters!

Trash it. One trend in recent years has been to have a "trash the dress" shoot where you hire a professional photographer & literally destroy your dress in anyway possible. For me personally, it wouldn't be my choice, but if it would be a fun memory for you, go for it!

Donate it. One of the issues that's been heavy on my heart lately is that there is so much that I have been privileged with that not everyone has been. If you've been blessed with the option to wear your dream dress on your wedding day, pay it forward to another bride who might not be so fortunate. Every Girls Dream, Inc. can help you do that. Another place you can donate to is Wish Upon a Wedding, who gifts couples with serious illlness or life altering circumstances a dream wedding or vow renewal.

Turn it into an angel gown. I know this is technically donation, but the tragedy of child loss is one that is so close to my heart as a 3x survivor of miscarriage that I felt like it needed it's own category. Angel Gowns are made from donated wedding dresses for stillborn babies or lost infants to be buried in. One of may amazing foundations loving grieving families through the experience is The Eve Foundation.

What do plan to do with your gown after the wedding day is over? Do you have questions about donation or preserving gowns or have photos of a trash the dress shoot you want to share? Let us know in the comments!

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